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This week’s HILARIOUS and a little puzzling photo was sent to us by Vivian Dickson. Along with the photo she sent us this small description:

I bet you know what is a “mochila” or backpack, right?
Well, for those of you who don’t know what a Mochiva is, here’s a little visual aid!

This is CLASSIC ‘Only in the DR’ material – an ingenieus solution to goat transportation (if somewhat incomodo for the boy and even more so for the poor goat.)

When I first saw this photo I thought:  ‘Wow, I wonder how he got the goat to hang on?’
To which my loving and endlessly patient boyfriend replied ‘I assume he’s been tied on.’  Which actually makes more sense!

This is not the first time that a goat has featured in an ‘Only in the DR,’ in fact this is the THIRD time we have used goats – are goats the national animal of the Dominican Republic? Maybe they should be!?

Only in the DR Logo sm

Here are links to our previous goat-related posts:
Only in the DR: a goat’s gamble
Only in the DR – Beware of Goat

We want your photos and/or stories! If you have any photos of classic DR scenes or even bizarre photos or stories, we would love to hear from you! Email: