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On this coming Monday the 13th of September the Walkabout Foundation will embark on their second annual Walkabout Foundation Marathon, to raise money to support their mission to raise awareness and fund research to find a cure for Spinal Cord Injuries and to provide wheelchairs and care for people who have disabilities.

This year they will walk/cycle along an ancient path which leads from Canterbury to Rome, walking/cycling an average of 30KM per day for 7 days – thats a marathon every day!

Last year the Walkabout Foundation undertook a grueling and symbolic 870 kilometer walk along the historical pilgrims’ route of the Camino of Santiago of Compostela, in Spain and raised $150,000 dollars, which in turn provided wheelchairs to 700 individuals who became disabled as a result of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. To read more and watch their videos of their work in Haiti click on the links below:

The Walkabout Foundation in Haiti – donating wheel chairs

The Walkabout Foundations Donates ‘Off-Road’ Wheelchairs to Haiti Quake Victims

The following is a letter from Carolina Gonzalez-Bunster, a part-time Casa de Campo resident and the founder of the Walkabout Foundation:

Dear Walkabout Supporters,

This Monday September 13, my brother Luis and I will begin our long ‘walkabout’ through Tuscany to mark the one-year anniversary of the foundation’s launch. Together we will be walking/cycling nearly a marathon a day for 7 days straight, 210 kilometers in one week!! Today, we need your support more than ever to continue the work of The Walkabout Foundation. This short video, which I promise will only take up 5 minutes of your time, shows what a difference your contribution can make:


The Walkabout Foundation on the Camino of Santiago of Compostela, in Spain

All funds raised from the walk will be used to purchase wheelchairs for Rwanda, Chile, and Pakistan, along with building an independent home for people with disabilities in Haiti. Additionally, your donation will support groundbreaking research in the field of spinal cord injuries at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and the Christopher Reeve Foundation.

On the research front, The Walkabout Foundation provided the Christopher Reeve Foundation with a $50,000 grant to sponsor Dr. Reggie Edgerton, a leading scientist in the field of paralysis based out of the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Edgerton has allowed rats with completely severed spinal cords to walk again using a combination of drug therapy and electrical stimulation. For the first time ever, the walking was facilitated by tapping into circuitry in the spinal cord itself, and not by restoring brain control. This is truly groundbreaking research!

Please sponsor our walk and make a donation to this worthy cause. Every cent counts, truly, every penny can make a difference.

Please visit

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Carolina Gonzalez-Bunster
Co-Founder, The Walkabout Foundation

DONATE NOW! Click here.