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Christmas isn’t complete here without a good ol’Dominican Aguinaldo! This Wednesday, December 21st, the Altos de Chavón Regional Museum of Archaeology will be hosting two activities that complement each other perfectly – a Maracas workshop and the Altos de Chavón Aguinaldo!

The day will start at 5:00 pm with a Maracas workshop for our kids at the Museum, where they will learn how maracas are made, and what materials are used, and they will be able to make and paint their own. Once they are dry and ready, the kids go around Altos de Chavón in their very own Aguinaldo bringing with them some Christmas cheer and singing traditional songs like “Las Arandelas”, “Alegre Vengo”, “De la montaña” and more. To end the night, Santa will be waiting for the kids at his home making it a great opportunity for them to talk to him again about their presents.

It’s a great family activity, and also a fun way to teach our kids to love and pass on one of our country’s oldest Christmas traditions. Mark your calendars and bring your children, we guarantee you will not regret it!

What is an Aguinaldo?

The tradition of aguinaldos consists of getting together with friends and singing Christmas carols from house to house. These are performed to the rhythm of tambora, güira, maracas, and accordion. The groups are greeted with joy by the neighbors who offer them various treats, traditionally ginger tea, hot chocolate, coffee, cookies, bread, etc.