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I am not shy and nor am I afraid of the limelight – in fact I’m sure most people would agree that I rather like to be the centre of attention, but back in April when Agustin, from Agustin en TV asked to interview me (without any prior warning) for his TV show – I wasn’t exactly hesitant, but I was a little afraid!

The interview took place during our ‘Noche Dominicana’ event, on April the 21st  in the Marina Casa de Campo – a celebration of all things Dominican, with Dominican music, food, dancing and fun!

Being the organiser of the event, the photographer, hostess and general ‘jefa’ I was understandably a little stressed, sweaty and certainly not looking my best for the interview, but heck – who would turn down a chance to get on Dominican TV for the lack of a little make-up, some normal clothes and nice hair – not me!!!

Not to mention the fact that the interview was in Spanish – which back in April was not exactly perfect! But regardless of everything I’m nevertheless rather proud of the interview – for the most part you can understand what I’m saying and even though I don’t exactly look glamourous, at least I look pretty!

So here I am, I recommend you watch it all – there are some rather comical bits and the end is hilarious (and rather embarrassing)……

Also interviewed during the ‘Noche Dominicana’ event was ‘Miss Mundo Dominicana’ Ana Rita Contreras who was a special guest at the event – who pleased the crowds with her beautiful smile and was only too happy to pose and have her photo taken with all the event’s guests.

Here Agustin interviews Ana Rita Contreras: